Once in a blue moon...

Once in a blue moon I seem to get the idea that I should do things that I nornally would never do...this is one of those moments for me. Having the summer off is a dangerous venture when you have a blank slate in front of you...what is a person to do? I gathered all of the craft stuff I had in one big pile. I was looking at a few stamp sets, two stamp pads, envelopes that didn't match anything and a stack of white cardstock...of course I had more stuff, but those were the things I knew how to use. I started reading blogs and viewing YouTube videos. I never knew such things existed. You can imagine my amazement seeing and reading all the fantastic blogs...I was in awe, so I got my nerve up and decided to join the ranks of the scrappers, crafters, swarmers, and scrapbookers online.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"I think I know less now then when I started..."

Late into the night I had this brilliant idea that I could manage my blog from my IPhone, so at 4 AM I started to  tackled the ominous task of setting my mobile phone to upload text and pictures to the blog...I know, I know...just take one thing at a time, but I have never been one to do it that way.  So now I am perched on the edge of my bed half asleep and even more confused as to what I was doing when it dawned on me that I didn't know what I was doing, but I continued to send text and photos into the blue with no positive results...then, I finally had a breakthrough and there it was as promised my first photo on my blog...a proud moment.  So now, that I have overcome that hurdle I am checking out all of the benefits and options that blogging offers.  I have already made a new friend...thank you Shell for your kind words.  I am sure that I will have my struggles, as everyone does, but you know what it's fun!

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